Post Conference Tour
Post Conference Tour
June 12-16 2023
The Nova Scotia Rock Garden Club
It is fly and tick season so appropriate repellents and precautions are recommended. Weather can be variable. Note: This schedule may be subject to change.
Day 1 Monday, June 12
This tour will leave Truro on Monday morning and travel to Annapolis Royal, total travelling time approximately 3 3/4 hrs.
Stop #1: We hope a population of Cypripedium reginae will be in flower. There is no boardwalk so be prepared for uneven ground in wet boggy woods.

Stop #2: We hope to visit a private garden and swing through the Kentville Research Station to view the Rhododendrons. Note: due to extreme cold conditions the flowering show may be reduced.
Stop #3: Sand Barrens, Aylesford to see the plant community typical of this low nutrient dry habitat. See > annapolis-sand-barrens.

Stop #4: Arrival in Annapolis Royal for rest and relaxation. Accommodation; Annapolis Royal Inn
Tuesday, June 13
Today we will travel between Annapolis Royal and Brier island, travel time 2 hours plus wait times for 2 Ferries
Stop #1: After Breakfast and check out we will tour the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens, for a guided tour. We will stop for lunch before heading off for Digby Neck where we will catch a ferry to Long Island.
Stop #2: Balancing Rock Trail, is a return trip of 2.5 km / 2 miles. The trail follows a boardwalk through boggy woods and includes several panels describing plant material seen along the way. These include skunk cabbage, mosses, ferns and orchids.
On reaching the coast, there is a 235 step staircase down to the viewing platform to see the Balancing Rock that appears to be just about to tip over into the sea. >balancing-rock.

Stop #3: From the Balancing Rock Trail we will travel to Freeport and take the ferry to Brier Island and settle into the Brier Island Lodge for rest and relaxation. > Brier Island
Day 3 Wednesday, June 14
We will spend the day visiting several areas on the Island including a recently built boardwalk that explores a part of the Big Meadow Bog that is in the process of being restored after it was ditched years ago in order it to be used as agricultural land. We will also visit a part of the south end of the Island that has come under the protection of The Nature Conservancy of Canada. > Brier Island.

The only known populations of the rare Eastern Mountain Avens, Geum peckii have been found on Brier and Long Island and in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
There is much to be seen at the locations of the Grand Passage and the Brier Island Lighthouses which are accessible by road and many hiking trails to explore.
Brier Island is also known for whale watching and seabird cruises.

Day 4
Thursday, June 15th
Brier Island to Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Travel time approximately 3 1/2 hours.
Stop #1: Leaving Brier Island the tour continues travelling back across Long Island and Digby Neck to Bear River, The Tidal Village on Stilts where we will stop for a lunch break.
Stop #2: We then cross the Province travelling through a wilderness area that includes Kejimkujik National Park and on to Liverpool on the Atlantic Coast where we will visit Cosby’s Garden Centre and Woodland Garden full of interesting plants and fantasy sculptures built by Ivan Higgins. Accommodation in the Best Western Liverpool.

Day 5
Friday, June 16th
The trip from Liverpool opens up several choices on the way back to Halifax. A stop in Lunenburg, a UNESCO World Heritage Site can be included and a visit to a couple of private gardens or a revisit to the coastal barrens.
Termination of this tour will be in Halifax, the International Airport or Truro.
Travel time between Liverpool and Halifax, not including side trips- approx 1 3/4 hrs
Travel time Halifax to Stanfield International Airport- approx. 35min
Travel time Airport to Truro- approx. 45 min.